The Psych Spot

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Who should go to therapy? Let's fight stigma!

Why not get a therapist? Why are we more comfortable with the idea of a getting a “life-coach" or self-help book? In our society there exists a stigma that therapy is only for crazy people.

I couldn’t be that bad, that in trouble. Because if I went to a “shrink” I must be really messed up… or worse, I could be crazy. I’m not crazy.

It’s not all the public’s fault though. Psychology has done a poor job of marketing itself and talking about the wonderful, even amazing, results that therapy interventions can produce. So we are all to blame. The question really is, “What are we going to do about it?” Because the reality is that everyone could benefit from visiting occasionally with a trained psychologist, counselor, or therapist; someone who has had extensive training under the supervision of experts in their field. But people don’t. Most people don’t say to their teen, “It’s time for your psychologist to help you with stress… You know your mood is a bit off these days, why don’t we take you to Jan, or Mike or Dr. So-and-so?”  We never tell our friend who just lost their job, or a parent, child, or pet, “Hey why don’t you go see someone to talk about it. Get some help.” Because if we did, it would be hugely offensive. This is the problem with my field and the way we all look at mental health. Why is it more terrifying to see a counselor, than to take off all your clothes for a yearly exam? That is the problem with Mental Health Stigma.

We have a choice. We can maintain the status quo and watch news of suicide, depression, divorce, and dissatisfied careers. Or we can choose to be different, by changing the way we think, speak, and act around issues of mental health.

Because it’s all about getting what we want out of life. I think therapy is awesome. I think getting help from others is one of the most natural and effective tools we have that defines us as a species! We are social beings! We need people! Just look at what we have learned from the Romanian Orphanages! If we don’t have meaningful helping relationships in our life, we die or continue in a delayed, dysfunctional, and subpar existence.

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